Give Today
Holy Spirit Alive is a 501 (c) 3 Your giving is tax deductible.
100% of your donations go towards ministry expenses. -
We do not draw a salary from the ministry. -
Many churches do not necessarily have the funds to bring in ministries. -
We purposely do not ask churches for any funds, accommodations or personal needs when we are with them. -
Many will sow into our ministry but it is not required. -
We do not want to focus on finances while ministering. -
We want to minister wherever God sends us whether finances are offered or not. -
This is where your giving can be a blessing in many ways. -
If you would like to send a check make checks payable to – Holy Spirit Alive
Please Mail Checks to:
Holy Spirit Alive
P.O. Box 55
Istachatta, FL 34636